Our Team


Kapo Simonian - Director

Kapo is an entrepreneur with a PhD in Geology. After working in the oil and gas services industry for many years, Kapo established Simco Petroleum Management Ltd in 1997, which was recognised as a respected A&D advisory company in the oil & gas upstream sector.

In the past 15 years Kapo has been involved in advising on the establishment of several exploration oil company start-ups, which have subsequently been sold to trade buyers (Scotsdale Petroleum in the North Sea and ADECO in Congo Brazzaville both sold to PA Resources AB), have been listed on stock exchanges (Crown Energy active in Africa) or, following the farm-out of their work commitments, have been acquired by trade buyers (Thombo Petroleum in South Africa sold to Crown Energy). The latest, Simwell Resources Ltd, active since 2015, was Kapo's second UK offshore focused oil and gas exploration company which was sold in September 2022 to a trade buyer, Reabold Resources plc.

Comtrack (UK) Ltd, a fully owned UK  subsidiary of Kapo's Cyprus based investment company Comtrack Ventures, has a history of investing in UK oil and gas licenses and is now being used by Kapo to acquire licenses in the 2022 UK 33rd Licensing Round.

Ellie Bell - Commercial Manager

Ellie is the North Sea Transition Authority (NSTA) liaison for Comtrack and oversees all relevant licensing events from applications and rectifications through to surveys. She has detailed knowledge of the Pears and Larry systems as managed via the UK Energy Portal. She prepares Comtrack company presentations and also manages the processing and distribution of all legal documentation, contracts and agreements, as well as managing company logistics and marketing.

Peter Mikkelsen - Chief Technical Advisor

Peter is responsible for the subsurface geo-technical management of Comtrack’s current portfolio and advises on the suitability of new projects and opportunities.

Peter's previous work has covered most of NW Europe, the Mediterranean, Africa, the Atlantic margins and North America. Peter’s resume includes leading roles for independent UK companies Carless Exploration and Brabant Petroleum (subsequently Noble Energy). As Exploration Director, during the 1990s, he was involved in a number of North Sea discoveries, including Malory, Hannay and Goldeneye. His management responsibilities included licences in the East Irish Sea and Southern Gas Basin, which were adjacent to Comtrack’s current applications.

For the last 22 years, Peter has been an independent consultant and worked closely with the Delek partnerships on the offshore Israel gas discoveries and more recently with Navitas on their Gulf of Mexico portfolio and Sea Lion (Falklands) development.

Peter has a BA (Hons) in Geology from Oxford University and is a member of the AAPG, PESGB and the Geological Society (UK).

Hovnan Hampartsoumian - Accountant

Hovnan is a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales and until recently he was a partner in a top 20 Chartered Accountancy firm when in June 2011 he retired and set up his own practice. He comes with a sound financial background. Hovnan has experience in a wide range of commercial enterprises including Oil and Gas exploration. Through his firm, Hovnan and Co, he provides book keeping and accountancy services for Comtrack (UK) Ltd, and was formerly CFO of Simwell Resources Ltd.

Alex Simonian - IT Manager

Alex is an IT specialist with over a decade of experience. He is responsible for the maintenance of Comtrack’s IT systems, its website and the secure storage of all data relating to its licences, as well as providing IT support to its employees.