UK 33rd Round Applications

Comtrack UK Ltd announces that it has submitted applications for two Production Licences in the UK 33rd licensing round. Both these licences contain proven undeveloped discoveries of gas and are in mature areas with exiting infrastructure. The applications were made together with another, publicly quoted company who will act as the operator if the licenses are awarded.

Planned UK 33rd Licencing Round bids.

Comtrack (UK) Ltd is planning to apply in the UK 33rd Licensing Round having identified two gas projects which are proven undeveloped discoveries. A Management team specific to this licensing round has been organised, and oil and gas companies are being approached the form of bidding groups to apply for these two projects. As Comtrack intends to be a non-operator and is seeking to either organise, or join existing groups with an experienced Operator company.

Further details on the project can be found at the link below.

Comtrack Projects

1st May 2019

Sale of P2300 interest to Simwell.

Comtrack (UK) Ltd has announced it plans to transfer its 10% interest in P2300 to sister company Simwell Resources Ltd, to be held in trust, concurrent with the farm out to Horizon Energy, which will reduce its holding to 2%.

Following this Comtrack (UK) Ltd no longer has any direct license holdings in the UK sector.

March 28, 2018

Assignment of P2076 interest to Bridge.

Comtrack (UK) Ltd has assigned its 35% interest in UK licence P2076, containing the Castletown gas field, to Bridge Petroleum for an undisclosed consideration. Simwell Resources Ltd has also assigned its own 35% interest to Bridge.

Bridge will now progress the licence to its 2nd term and develop the gas field, subject to the usual regulatory conditions.

November 24, 2016

License Relinquishments, Extensions & Changes

Comtrack (UK) Ltd has announced a number of changes to the licenses it holds in the UK North Sea.

  • Comtrack has relinquished P2255, where it had a 35% holding. However, the license period in the adjoining P2076, where Simwell has a 35% stake, been extended until Dec 2017 to allow for drilling of the Castletown gas field appraisal well.
  • Comtrack has relinquished P2263, where it had a 25% holding.
  • Comtrack has increased its interest in P2256 to 20% as well as extended the licence till December 2017.
  • Comtrack has relinquished P2254 where had a 10% holding.


March 17, 2016

Comtrack’s fully owned subsidiary Comtrack (UK) Ltd has concluded a farm-in agreement for three UK 28th Round licences P2254, P2256 and P2300 with Ardent Oil Limited. Comtrack (UK) Ltd will earn a 10% interest respectively, Simwell Resources Ltd wil have 40%, whilst Ardent will retain 50% interest and continue as Licence Administrator. The three licences cover blocks 37/26, 36/27, 37/28a, 37/29a, 43/3a, and 43/4a in the UK sector of the Southern North Sea. The licences are for an initial period of two years, expiring at the end of 2016, but it is possible to extend them for up to a further two years before a drilling decision is made. The transactions for P2254 and P2256 have been approved by the UK authorities (the OGA) whereas approval for P2300 is pending.
Comtrack continues to build a substantial portfolio of licenses in the UK’s Southern North Sea areas, focusing on gas exploration and production.

November 4, 2015

Comtrack (UK) Ltd has been informed that its 27th Licence Round block 113/27d ( P2076), which expired in December 2015, has received an a two year extension until December 2018 from the UK authorities (the OGA). This is subject to a review in November 2016, but the extension was granted to allow Comtrack (UK) Ltd and its partners Burgate Exploration and Simwell Resources to identify drilling partners for the appraisal well on the Casteltown gas field, now thought to contain contingent resources of 250 bcf of gas.

September 3, 2015

Comtrack’s fully owned subsidiary Comtrack (UK) Ltd has acquired through a farm-in, a 25% interest in UK 28th Licencing Round licence P2263 from Margin Oil & Gas (UK) Ltd. The licence covers blocks 41/20, 41/15 and 42/16 in the UK Southern Gas Basin. Margin will retain 25% of the licence and continue as Licence Administrator for the remaining duration of the initial two year period of the license which expires in December 2016. It is expected that the license will be extended by a further two years to end of 2018 before a decision to drill is undertaken. The transaction has been approved by the UK authorities (the OGA, Oil and Gas Authority).


June 5, 2015

Comtrack's fully owned subsidiary Comtrack (UK) Ltd has acquired a 35% interest in two contiguous licences in the Morecombe Bay area, offshore, west of the UK in the East Irish Sea, where the licence holders are planning to introduce a partner to drill an appraisal well on the already identified Castletown gas field. Comtrack (UK) Ltd acquired through farm-in its 35% interest in 28th Licencing Round awarded block 113/28b (P2255), and also farmed in for a 35% interest in 27th Licence Round awarded block 113/27d ( P2076). The administrator of these licences is Burgate Exploration & Production Ltd with 30% and the other partner is Simwell Resources Ltd.